Monday, February 22, 2010

Light Touch: Project an interactive 10 inch multi-touch screen practically anywhere

In a CES with few highlights, the Light Touch projector can easily count itself among the most talked about and revolutionary products.

Near endless possibilities

Combining the notions of fold-out keyboards, portable projectors, and Microsoft’s Surface into one, the Light Touch projector looks to turn any flat surface into a fully capable 10.1 inch touch screen. The reality of small portable Pico projectors projecting high quality media on any surface isn’t new, but this is. Instead of merely playing content, the Light Touch projector allows the user to interact with it, creating limitless possibilities in the process. Want to type a quick email at lunch? Simply aim the projector at the table for a full 10.1 inch keyboard and type away. Forgot your laptop and want to pass the time? Locate the nearest flat surface and play an interactive touch screen game with friends, or even watch a movie. Moreover, thanks to the projector’s wide throw angle, it can create a wide and detailed 10 inch image from a short distance away; removing the hassle of mounting it on the ceiling or from a distance.

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