Nanotechnology (nanotechnology) is a science (science) to make machines that size is very small, in the molecular level. The name is derived from the word nanometer(), which means
Nanotechnology is also sometimes referred to as an engineering on the molecular level, is a multidisciplinary area of the various vocational and technical knowledge with the goal to design and make cper billion meter (10-grade minus 9), namely the size of this machine.

The role of nanotechnology in the IT (information technology), it is not doubt. Increased speed of the computer from time to time, the increased capacity of hard drives and memory, and the small increase in the mobile phone, are concrete examples of nano technology products in the field of IT.
Contribute to the development of nano technology, IT in outline can be divided into three.
1. The addition of the number of devices.
Simple illustration, when the size of one transistor can be made smaller then the number of transistor density on the same chip size will automatically become larger.
2. Quantum effects allow the application.
3. Adding new functionality to the existing system to make the material in the same small size. But creating a new function that when atoms or molecules of different types arranged in a system device.
Contribute to the development of nano technology, IT in outline can be divided into three.
1. The addition of the number of devices.
Simple illustration, when the size of one transistor can be made smaller then the number of transistor density on the same chip size will automatically become larger.
2. Quantum effects allow the application.
3. Adding new functionality to the existing system to make the material in the same small size. But creating a new function that when atoms or molecules of different types arranged in a system device.
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